*This contains spoilers and synopsis. *There is a making-of video on the Wowkorea page. From the beginning of the video to 2:45.
This time, it was decided that Yoo Jin Woo would debut. Yoo Jin Woo was nervous as he was greeted by a banner. He was told, "Your group debut has been decided."
"I'll do my best," he said with a stiff expression. The five of them took photos together. Then they shot commercials and posters as Yoo JIN WOO. "It feels like we're really filming," Ryoun said after the cut.
The director gave him acting instructions saying, "We have to do it to stay in the group, so rather than being happy about Lee Joon, we have to hold back and say 'yes' and accept him." And now to the actual. New member
When Lee Jun showed up, Yoo Jin Woo was surprised. After that, Lee Jun revealed the truth, "I was the one who pushed my senior to be the center, not Kris."
"So you're doing something like this?" "I'll definitely fight you and win, and become the main character," Lee Joon declared. Then Yoo Jin Woo went to rehearsal for the scene where he grabs Lee Joon.
The first take was OK, and the two hugged after the rehearsal. Next was Kris' trainee days. Yuni also appeared. It seemed like they were acting to express their youth. The three improvised and acted tired after practice.
After the monkey, the director said, "That's fine." ●Reactions from Korean Internet users● "They're all too cute" "They're finally debuting!" "It's a boy group"
"What will happen after debut?" Synopsis: "Namib - Dream of the Desert and the Sea" EP5 (viewership rating 2.3%) features Yoo Jin Woo (Ryeoun)
After confidently passing the first round of the Star Rise auditions, allegations of power harassment against Soohyeon (Ko Hyun Jung) resurface, and a new crisis begins to unfold.
Just as Soohyeon had planned, Yoo Jin Woo sang with all his heart, as if he was telling his life story, and captivated the audience.
Although seeing his mother in the room reminded him of the trauma he had suffered, Yoo Jin Woo's sad tears completely captivated the judges, and he finally passed in the first round.
In response, Soohyeon and Yoo Jinwoo were devoted to practicing before entering the training camp in order to pass the next round. Yoo Jinwoo was also in charge of Soohyeon's son's training while he was away.
He checked the study helper and emergency contact system for his son Shim Jinwoo (LEEJINWOO) and steadily completed preparations to enter the camp. In particular, Yoo Jinwoo was grateful to Kris (Lee Jinwoo), who has helped him both materially and emotionally.
However, having failed to achieve her dreams a long time ago and living in the dark, Kris is worried that Yoo Jin Woo will experience the same pain as her.
Yoo Jin Woo had also witnessed Kris' mistakes in the past, so in the end he turned his back on him without saying anything, leaving him feeling disappointed.
Furthermore, a reporter got hold of a video of the alleged power harassment that led to Soohyeon being kicked out of Pandora Entertainment, and the situation became even more serious.
Soohyeon, who guessed that Hyuncheol (Lee Seungjun) had provided the footage to the reporter, decided to cut off the footage that day to prevent any further trouble for Yoo Jinwoo's audition.
Soohyeon and Junseok (Yoon Sang Hyun) find shocking content in the CCTV footage of Pandora Entertainment.
The source used in the video of Soohyeon's alleged power harassment was none other than Yoo Jin Woo. Soohyeon's stern expression upon learning the unexpected truth doubled the tension.
Around the same time, Yoo Jin Woo also panicked after hearing from Kris that Soohyeon had been fired because of a video he had taken.


2025/03/17 10:03 KST
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