SEASONS-Park BoGum's Cantabile is based on the theme of "beginning."
On this day's show, Lee Sung-yoon performed "Waterfall" with great energy.
Afterwards, Lee Sung-yoon faced Park Bo-gum and said, "You're really handsome," and added, "When I was in the waiting room earlier, you brought me some bread. I don't know what you're talking about."
Park BoGum then congratulated Lee Sung-yoon on winning three Korean pop music awards and said, "And now, I'm getting married, which can be considered a new beginning.
I would like to offer my heartfelt congratulations." When asked, "Are you married yet?" Lee Sung-Yoon replied, "I'm already married."
Park BoGum also told Lee Sung-Yoon, "I was wondering how you could express yourself like this while listening to your song.
Lee Sung-yoon responded, "It was an honor." Lee Sung-yoon then said to Park Bo-gum, "By the way, I saw you playing the piano in the waiting room earlier. I didn't know why you were playing it.
"Why don't you play it for me?" Park BoGum responded with, "Then I'll play it for you one more time," and played Coldplay's "Yellow" on the piano.
He said he would give it to me. Lee Sung-yoon was flustered by this, but said, "No, I'm sorry," and asked, "Is that true?" Park Bo-gum then laughed and said, "It's always true."
Seeing Park BoGum willingly accepting sudden requests that were not prepared in advance, Lee Sung-Yoon exclaimed, "Is this true?" and was deeply moved, saying, "All of those stories were genuine."
Lee Sung-yoon also said to Park Bo-gum, "I'm really honored that you've studied music like this and introduced it to me like this even though you're an actor."
2025/03/22 07:40 KST
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