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  • Hangul: 미르
  • Birthdate: 1991/3/10 (age 34)
  • Height/Weight: 178cm/63kg

MIRR (Korean: 미르) is a talent and singer. The genre of music is dance. The youngest member of the boy group "MBLAQ".
Born March 10, 1991. Height: 178 cm. Weight: 63kg. Hobbies/special skills: Collecting albums from overseas/rap, dancing.
2009 <MBLAQ> "Oh Yeah". Masterpiece: [Music] (Activities as a group <MBLAQ> omitted)
2010 Kan Mi Youn "Go Crazy" feat. Mir, Ahn Jin Kyung "Bad Person" feat. Mi
Le. South Korean singer Mir's real name is Bang Chul-yong. A member of the Korean idol group "MBLAQ" and in charge of rap. Blood type A. Her older sister is actress Ko EunA.

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