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Seducing Mr. Perfect

Seducing Mr. Perfect
  • English:Seducing Mr. Perfect
  • Korean: Mr. 로빈 꼬시기
  • Release Date: 2006/12/07
  • Duration: 107分
Mr. Seduce Robin (Korean: Mr. 로빈 꼬시기) is a movie. The Korean release date is 2006-12-07. The running time is 107 minutes.
The ultimate love story between a popular actress and a handsome actor. MINJOO is a career woman with an A+ rating for charm and an F rating for love ability.
Moo Jeong Hwa) carries out a love project to ``make him my man'' towards Robin (Daniel H), a ``perfect guy'' who does not believe in love. .
The Korean movie "How to Talk to Mr. Robin" stars Um Jung Hwa, a popular actress and singer, and the popular actor from the TV series "My Name is Kim Sam Soon."
A romantic comedy starring Daniel H, who has joined the ranks of Yu. In particular, it became Daniel H's screen debut and became a Hot Topic.
