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My Father

My Father
  • English:My Father
  • Korean: 마이 파더
  • Release Date: 2007/09/06
  • Duration: 107分
my father (Korean: 마이 파더) is a movie. The Korean release date is 2007-09-06. The running time is 107 minutes.
Starring Daniel H! A serious and heavy faction movie.
James Parker (Daniel H) volunteered to join the US Forces in Korea in order to find his biological parents. Adopted to America at age 5
He grew up as a healthy young man in a happy family, but he could not give up his desire to find his biological parents. Jay eventually volunteered to join the US Forces in South Korea and set foot in South Korea.
With the help of a friend, Musu found a kindergarten that had taken care of her for a short period of time before she was adopted. There, he learned that his Korean name was "Gong Eun-cheol".
Appearing on a TV program to find out the whereabouts of his parents... . The Korean movie "My Father" is based on the true story of Aaron Bates, who was adopted at the age of six. What actually happened
It is a faction (a work that interweaves fact and fiction, something between non-fiction and fiction) film that is reconstructed based on the facts. Starring Daniel H, a Korean living in the United States. This work is the main character of the movie
This is the second work he has performed.
