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Le Grand Chef

Le Grand Chef
  • English:Le Grand Chef
  • Korean: 식객
  • Release Date: 2007/11/01
  • Duration: 113分
A scrounger (Korean: 식객) is a movie. The Korean release date is 2007-11-01. The running time is 113 minutes. A film adaptation of a popular manga that features Korea's first authentic cuisine.
A place where one chef is chosen from among the apprentices to take over the restaurant, Ungamjeong, which boasts the best food in Korea. Sung Chan (Kim Gang Woo) is a genius chef who puts his heart into food, and struggles with pain and hardship in order to win.
Bong-joo (Lim Won-hee), an ambitious man, engages in a showdown over who will become his successor. The two chefs have the most advanced skills in both taste and appearance, but Sungchan's cooking skills are unsurpassed.
The judges who ate Ri collapse from the blowfish's poison. Sung-chan panics at the situation, and Bong-joo smiles with joy next to him. In the end, the successor to Ungantei falls into the hands of Ponju.
...Five years later... . The Korean movie ``Shokugaku'' is an adaptation of the popular manga of the same name that was serialized in a daily newspaper in 2002. The more people who buy newspapers to read this manga, the more it becomes a Hot Topic.
The book was a bestseller with 540,000 copies sold. As soon as the movie was released, with its stunning images filled with the imagination of a manga and gorgeous high-class cuisine, netizens took notice, and the first week's
mobilized more than 500,000 people. It performed as well at the box office as the manga. The lead actors are Kim Gang Woo, a ``perfectly handsome'' actor who has starred in ``The Beast and Beauty,'' and unique actress Im Won Hee.
