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Little Black Dress

Little Black Dress
  • English:Little Black Dress
  • Korean: 마이 블랙 미니드레스
  • Release Date: 2011/03/24
  • Duration: 108分
My Black Mini Dress (Korean: 마이 블랙 미니드레스) is a movie. The Korean release date is 2011-03-24. The running time is 108 minutes.
Korean version of "Sex and the City". Yumin (Eun Eun Hye), Hye Ji (Park Han Byeul), and Suzyun (Cha Ye Ryun) are students of the theater and film department at a prestigious university.
(Yoo In Na) believes that once she graduates, she will be able to live like the main character in the movie. However, the specs I have built up are a few decent relationships and club life.
hair. You will soon hit the wall of reality. While they are in the same situation and comfort each other, Hyeji becomes the star. Then, a strange feeling of jealousy arises, and cracks begin to appear in their friendship.
Melt…. Will they be able to start the second act of their splendid lives? . The Korean movie "My Black Minidress" stars Yoon Eun Hye, Park Han Byeul, and Cha Lee.
Four beautiful Korean actresses, Aeryeong and Yoo In Na, gather together. They are cast with characters that suit each of them well. Yoon Eun Hye wishes for perfect looks, love, and employment, but everything is perfect.
Park Han Byeul plays the role of Yoo Min, an ordinary woman who lacks 2% of her skills, Park Han Byeul plays the role of Hye Ji, a perfect woman who has everything from her natural beauty to her cool personality, and Cha Ye Ryun shows her own suffering.
Yoo In Na will play the role of Suzyun, a cold city woman with a strong sense of pride, and Yoo In Na will play the role of Min Hee, a woman who dreams of becoming a famous overseas designer but cannot speak a word of English.
