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  • English:Papa
  • Korean: 파파
  • Release Date: 2012/02/01
  • Duration: 118分
Papa (Korean: 파파) is a movie. The Korean release date is 2012-02-01. The running time is 118 minutes. A comedy film about a man who suddenly becomes a father to six children.
Park Yong Woo is a manager who finds himself an illegal immigrant while searching for a top Korean music star who fled to the United States. Chunseop, who needs citizenship, has a legal guardian.
Jun (Ara) and others come together as a family for mutual survival. Jun, the eldest daughter of Korean descent, a 100kg black boy, a Muslim girl with smoky make-up, and the world with rap.
Six children: white twins who dream of domination, and the youngest Hispanic child who has an infinite love for his father. They have different skin colors and cannot communicate with each other, so Chun-seob and them begin an inconvenient life.
It was. . The Korean movie "Dad" is a comedy about the main character who suddenly becomes the father of six children. Most of the filming took place in the United States. The lead actor is Park Yong Woo, an indispensable actor in the movie industry.
and actress Ara (Go Ara) who was also active in Japan.
