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  • English:Deranged
  • Korean: 연가시
  • Release Date: 2012/07/05
  • Duration: 109分
Yeongasi (Korean: 연가시) is a movie. The Korean release date is 2012-07-05. The running time is 109 minutes.
Starring Kim Myung Min! A hit in the summer of 2012.
At dawn, cruel bodies with only bones and skin left emerge from the Hangang River. This triggered
In , strange bodies are discovered in rivers all over the country...The culprit is a "mutant hedge beetle" that manipulates people's brains and induces them to jump into the water, causing them to drown. Short incubation period and 100% fatality rate for 4 major rivers
The ``harrier beetle disaster,'' which spreads rapidly, reduces the Republic of Korea to scorched earth. As the number of victims increases, the government immediately activates an emergency response headquarters and prepares a national response system to isolate and contain infected people.
, infected people who have lost their reason try to break through the controls and jump out. Meanwhile, Jae Hee-yeok (Kim Myung Min), a pharmaceutical company employee who was too absorbed in his work to take care of his family, unknowingly finds himself in Harigar.
He struggles to find a cure to save his wife and children, who have been infected with a slime. Meanwhile, he discovers something unusual and sets out to solve the case... .
The Korean movie "Yongashi" stars a father (Kim Myung Min) who is trying to save his family and Dongwan from "SHINHWA".
A horror movie about a detective. In South Korea, the movie exceeded 4 million viewers in 17 days after its release. It became a hit in the summer of 2012. The Japanese title is ``Yongashi Variant Growth.''

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