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The Sleepless

The Sleepless
  • English:The Sleepless
  • Korean: 두 개의 달
  • Release Date: 2012/07/12
  • Duration: 86分
Two Moons (Korean: 두 개의 달) is a movie. The Korean release date is 2012-07-12. The running time is 86 minutes.
A horror movie from the summer of 2012 that will blow away the heat. Three men and women wake up in an unfamiliar basement without knowing why.
, horror novelist So-hee (Park Han Byeul), college student Seok-ho (Kim Ji-Suk), and high school girl In-jeong (Park Jin Joo). They don't remember anything about why they came to this house. earth
From the moment I woke up in the lower room, time stopped, and even if I wandered through the forest trying to escape, I would only end up going round and round in the same place. One day, I heard someone crying outside my house, and strange phenomena started happening again and again.
It is clear that there is something other than the three people in the house. Sohee seems to know something. In-jeong doubts her, and Seok-ho becomes tainted with madness...The three are shrouded in fear as the dead awaken.
At home, she has to face the terrible truth... . The Korean movie ``Two Moons'' is set in a mysterious house where the dead come back to life in the middle of the night, and depicts the mystery experienced by a man and a woman who wake up after losing their memories.
Goods. This is the third horror movie for actress Park Han Byeul, who has appeared in films such as ``Girls' High School Ghost Story'' and ``Yoga Class.''
