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Fashion King

Fashion King
  • English:Fashion King
  • Korean: 패션왕
  • Release Date: 2014/11/06
  • Duration: 114分
Fashion King (Korean: 패션왕) is a movie. The Korean release date is 2014-11-06. The running time is 114 minutes.
Starring JooWon & SULLI (f(x))! A story of a man who dedicated his life to fashion. .
Woo Ki-myung (JooWon) is a man who has no dreams of what he wants to do or what he wants to become. After moving to Seoul, I was ambitious and decided to try something new.
However, the only one who recognizes his weak presence is Eun-jin (SULLI), who has given up on her good looks and is ranked number one in the school. However, a ray of light shines in front of Ki-myung, who is frustrated, and happens to be the legendary fashion king Nam-jung.
When Kim Sung Oh meets Kim Sung Oh, Ki Myung opens his eyes to how cool he is for the first time. Ki-myung attracts the attention of everyone, including the high school goddess Hye-jin (Park Se Young). But everything is perfect
High school crown prince Won-ho (Ahn Jae Hyeon) begins to get annoyed with Ki-hyun, who is expanding his presence. . The Korean movie "Fashion King" awakens to fashion and becomes the best in the world.
This work depicts the life-long challenge of "Pasiri" Woo Ki-myung (JooWon), who is determined to become the coolest man. Girl group “f(x)” SULLI has been cast as the heroine.
It was.

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