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The Con Artists

The Con Artists
  • English:The Con Artists
  • Korean: 기술자들
  • Release Date: 2014/12/24
  • Duration: 116分
Technicians (Korean: 기술자들) is a movie. The Korean release date is 2014-12-24. The running time is 116 minutes.
It depicts the story of engineers gathered to steal 150 billion won hidden at Incheon Customs within 40 minutes! .
JIHYO Gu (Kim WooBin) is a multiplayer player who is a brilliant safe robber who is good at not only planning strategies but also all kinds of forgeries. Hiring human resources through close hyungs (older brothers)
Together with Guin (Go Chang-seok), an expert, he teams up with Jeong-bae (Lee HyunWoo), the youngest hacker in the industry who can penetrate any security system in an instant, to ensure strict security.
He takes pride in being a jeweler and quickly makes a name for himself in the industry, but... . The Korean movie "The Engineers" takes 40 minutes to discover 150 billion won (approximately 15.5 billion yen) hidden in Incheon customs.
A work that depicts the story of engineers who are gathered together to steal something from the enemy. Starring actors Kim Woo Bin, Lee Hyun Woo, and Go Chang Seok. Kim plays the role of JIHYO, a safe-cracking engineer who makes the impossible possible.
With his captivating eyes and generous smile, Woo Bin appears to be the master key of the operation. Released in Japan on November 28, 2015.

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