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Train to Busan

Train to Busan
  • English:Train to Busan
  • Korean: 부산행
  • Release Date: 2016/07/20
  • Duration: 118分
Train to Busan (Korean: 부산행) is a movie. Its Korean release date is 2016-07-20. Its running time is 118 minutes.
Starring Gong Yoo! A disaster blockbuster about a life-or-death struggle for survival on a train to Busan.
Survive to the end. An unprecedented disaster strikes the Republic of Korea. An unknown virus spreads throughout the country, and an emergency disaster alert is issued for the Republic of Korea. The people on the train are
They will fight to the death to survive until the only safe city, Busan...
The Final Express is a train bound for Busan that departed Seoul Station as the worst disaster in history hit South Korea.
It is a disaster blockbuster in which people trapped in a cave fight for survival.
The film received positive reviews from leading overseas media outlets due to its appealing atmosphere and the actors' passionate performances.

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