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  • English:Burning
  • Korean: 버닝
  • Release Date: 2018/05/17
  • Duration: 148分
Burning (Korean: 버닝) is a movie. The Korean release date is 2018-05-17. The running time is 148 minutes.
Based on Haruki Murakami's "Burning the Barn"! Master director Lee Chang-dong and actor Yoo
・Mystery work brought to you by Ain. Jungsu (Yu A In), a part-time worker at a distribution company, is on his way to make a delivery when he meets Haemi (Jeon JongSeo), who lived in the same town as her when she was young.
My girlfriend asks me to keep an eye on her cat while she goes on a trip to Africa. When Hyemi returns from her trip, she meets an unknown man named Ben (Steven Yeun) in Africa.
I'll introduce you to Johns. One day, Ben visits Jong-su's house with Hae-mi and confesses his secret hobby. From then on, Jong-su is bound by a terrifying premonition... .
The Korean movie "BURNING" is about a part-time worker, Jong-soo (Yu A In), who meets his childhood friend Haemi (Jeon JongSeo), and meets her with an unidentified man named Ben (Steven Yeun).
A powerful story with a hint of a secret that happens after being introduced. Based on the novel ``Burning the Barn'' by Haruki Murakami, it became a Hot Topic as director Lee Chang-dong's first film in eight years.
It has been nominated in the competition section of the 71st Cannes International Film Festival.

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