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Three Sisters

Three Sisters
  • English:Three Sisters
  • Korean: 세자매
  • Release Date: 2021/01/27
  • Duration: 115分
Three Sisters (Korean: 세자매) is a movie. The Korean release date is 2021-01-27. The running time is 115 minutes.
Starring and co-produced by actress Moon So Ri! While unraveling the threads of memories of three sisters who are ostentatious, timid, and troublesome.
A story that explodes. ``You know what your unnie always wishes for, right?'' Mi-young (Moon So Ri), the ostentatious second daughter, pretends to be perfect. “It’s my fault.” Pretend it’s okay.
Hee Sook (Kim Sun Young) is the timid eldest daughter. ``I'm trash.'' Mi-ok (Jang YoonJu), the troublesome third daughter, pretends not to be drunk.
The three sisters, who each live as if nothing has happened, come together for the first time in a while on their father's birthday.
But... . The Korean movie ``Three Sisters'' depicts the story of three sisters who are ostentatious, timid, and troublesome, and how they explode as they unravel the threads of memories they have never been able to talk about. Actress Moon So Ri
played Mi-young, the ostentatious second daughter who pretends to be perfect. Moon So Ri is also a co-producer of this film.

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