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Whispering Corridors 6: The Humming

Whispering Corridors 6: The Humming
  • English:Whispering Corridors 6: The Humming
  • Korean: 여고괴담 여섯번째 이야기 : 모교
  • Release Date: 2021/06/17
  • Duration: 108分
Girl's high school ghost story sixth story: Alma mater (Korean: 여섯번째 이야기 :
모교) is a movie. The Korean release date is 2021-06-17. The running time is 108 minutes.
The latest work in the "Women's High School Ghost Story" series! A female teacher who has lost her memory is assigned to her alma mater.
A story that unfolds from something. After Eun-hee (Kim So-Hee-young), who has lost her memories of her high school days, is transferred to her alma mater as an instructor, she begins to suffer from strange receptions and hallucinations.
HA YOUNG (Kim Hyeon Soo), a problem child who is also a victim, is drawn to the closed restroom of the school and hears the voice of a spirit. The same suffering there
Meet the sea urchin you are holding. When the two learn that the strange phenomena occurring in the school are related to something in the bathroom, they are terrified of death. . Korean movie “Girls’ High School Ghost Story”
The sixth story: "Alma Mater" is about a female teacher who has lost her memories of her past and is appointed as an instructor at her alma mater.
This is a story about discovering a place where you used to live, and coming face to face with shocking memories you had forgotten. This is the latest work in the "Women's High School Ghost Stories" series.
