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A Good Son

A Good Son
  • English:A Good Son
  • Korean: 효자
  • Release Date: 2022/01/27
  • Duration: 117分
filial son (Korean: 효자) is a movie. The Korean release date is 2022-01-27. The running time is 117 minutes.
A story about five brothers who decide to be filial to their mother, who returns home as a zombie shortly after the funeral.
Not long after their mother's death, the five brothers hear news of an approaching typhoon and go to visit their mother's grave. But what on earth is going on? Did the mother's body disappear without a trace?
When they returned home, their mother, who had turned into a zombie, was waiting for them. Now that this has happened, I'm going to begin my full-fledged filial piety. .
The Korean movie "The Filial Son" tells the story of a mother who returns home as a zombie shortly after her funeral.
A story of five brothers who decide to be filial to their parents.
