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  • English:Hidden
  • Korean: 히든
  • Release Date: 2022/05/26
  • Duration: 95分
Hidden (Korean: 히든) is a movie. The Korean release date is 2022-05-26. The performance time is 95 minutes.
Chasing the god of gambling, he steps into a war between poker players that costs 6 billion won.
An action TV series about a female intelligence officer. Hae Soo, a member of the National Intelligence Service's International Crimes (Drugs) Team, takes the place of a colleague who died during an operation and suddenly recruits Jang Pan Soo, who is gaining fame in the House.
Attack. They learn that the unidentified gambling god ``Black Jack'' is after 6 billion won worth of drugs. Hae Soo decides to jump into a dangerous gambling house with only his body. .
The Korean movie "Hidden" is an action TV series about a female intelligence officer who chases the gambling god "Black Jack" into a poker war involving 6 billion won.
