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The Boxer

The Boxer
  • English:The Boxer
  • Korean: 갓길로 달리는 코뿔소
  • Release Date: 2022/06/23
  • Duration: 89分
Rhinoceros running on the shoulder of the road (Korean: 갓길로 달리는 코뿔소) is a movie.
The Korean release date is 2022-06-23. The running time is 89 minutes. An amateur boxer who was living a third-class life engages in a reckless match to protect his father's gymnasium.
A challenging youth boxing TV series. Dong-seok (Han Yi-jin) wins the national boxing tournament, but his father, Seung-il (Moon Chang-gil), who is the director of Cheongmu Hall, tells him that he won the championship in the national boxing tournament.
They are stigmatized as match-fixers and are not recognized by the public. In this way, he ran away from the gymnasium and lived like a third-rate thug.One day, he heard the news that his father had died.
In order to protect the last legacy, the ``Cheongmu Pavilion'' sign, they prepare for a reckless match. . The Korean movie "Rhinoceros Running on the Roadside" is about an amateur boxer who hated his father and lived a third-class life.
, a youth boxing TV series in which a youth challenges himself to a reckless match to protect his father's gymnasium. Director Hwang Dong-seok's feature debut.
