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  • English:Handsome
  • Korean: 핸썸
  • Release Date: 2022/07/14
  • Duration: 94分
Handsome (Korean: 핸썸) is a movie. The Korean release date is 2022-07-14. The running time is 94 minutes.
“NO-beautiful” detective suffers a brain shock after a traffic accident and admits he is an idol-class handsome man
A comedy piece in which you fall into the illusion of “I have become.” In the middle of an undercover crime mopping operation, official police officer No Mi-nam (No Beautiful Man), unlike his kind personality, looks more like a yakuza when you look at his face.
One day, he gets into an accident while stopping a fight between fellow detectives, and wakes up for the first time in a month after surgery. Did your face look different when you first woke up? From the most beautiful man in the world like a yakuza to the most beautiful man in the world
Became! The way people look at her has changed, and Noh Mi-nam has become a narcissist. She becomes a thorn in the side of the powerful team, and ends up being sent on an undercover investigation into a beauty salon in the suburbs... .
The Korean movie "Handsome" is a comedy about a detective who has a complex about his appearance, and after receiving a shock to the brain in a traffic accident, he falls into the illusion that he has become as handsome as an idol.
