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  • English:Contorted
  • Korean: 뒤틀린 집
  • Release Date: 2022/07/13
  • Duration: 91分
Twisted house (Korean: 뒤틀린 집) is a movie. The Korean release date is 2022-07-13. The running time is 91 minutes.
A mystery house horror story that unfolds when a family moves to a secluded house and opens a forbidden door.
A family has to move to a secluded house due to unavoidable circumstances. From the first day she moved in, her mother Myeong was warned by neighbors that the house was distorted and heard ominous voices coming from the warehouse.
I couldn't sleep because of it. Her father, Hyun-min, feels that Myung-hye has a nervous breakdown, and her second daughter, Hee-woo, faces something that the rest of her family cannot see, but hides it.
One day, Myung-hye was dragged into the warehouse by something and opened the locked door. She acted like she was being held captive by something.
I'm starting... . The Korean movie ``Warped House'' is a mystery house horror story that unfolds when a family inevitably moves to a secluded house and opens a forbidden door that should not be opened.
