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  • English:Awake
  • Korean: 어웨이크
  • Release Date: 2022/08/24
  • Duration: 76分
Awake (Korean: 어웨이크) is a movie. The Korean release date is 2022-08-24. The running time is 76 minutes.
Three men and women open their eyes in a mysterious space and try to escape by tracing their intertwined memories.
Closed room horror. Han Seo-jin (Lim Se Mi), 28 years old, Suwon. Lee Dong Hyuk (Song Gil), 48 years old, Daejeon. Han JeeWon, 1
9 years old, Seoul. Three people with nothing in common open their eyes in an unknown space. Who kept them here, why and how? If I can recover my lost memories, I can escape.
But... . The Korean movie "Awake" is a locked room horror story about three men and women who suddenly open their eyes one day in a mysterious space and try to escape by tracing their intertwined memories.
