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  • English:ROLLING
  • Korean: 말아
  • Release Date: 2022/08/25
  • Duration: 76分
Roll it up (Korean: 말아) is a movie. The Korean release date is 2022-08-25. The running time is 76 minutes.
This work depicts the self-reliance life diary of an unemployed young man who is tired of the pandemic.
Juri is an unemployed young man who stays at home due to an epidemic. Whether it's going hungry or feeling the pain of a broken heart, you can solve it all at home. One day, my mother, Kin, received a message that the room she lived in alone had been put up for real estate.
He is given a mission to run a pa (seaweed roll) shop... . The Korean movie ``Stop'' is a work that depicts the life diary of an unemployed young man who is tired of the pandemic and tries to help himself.

ROLLING is a 2021 drama film directed by Kwak Min-seung and produced in Korea. Shim Dal-gi and others appeared as the main characters, and Kwak Min-seung and others produced the film.


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