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  • English:Thunderbird
  • Korean: 썬더버드
  • Release Date: 2022/09/21
  • Duration: 96分
Thunderbird (Korean: 썬더버드) is a movie. The Korean release date is 2022-09-21. The running time is 96 minutes.
A story about three men and women who have to search for a wad of money inside a car called "Thunderbird" that was sold to a pawn shop.
Rich reality noir. Tae-gyun is in desperate need of money. TAEMIN lost his expensive car. Money is not important to Miyoung. Inside the “Thunderbird” sold to a pawn shop
Three people have to search for a wad of bills. I thought everything would be solved if I just looked for the car, but something unexpected happened... .
The Korean movie "Thunderbird" is about a car "Thunderbar" sold to a pawn shop.
A stylish reality noir about three men and women who have to search for a wad of money inside a banknote.
