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  • English:Remember
  • Korean: 리멤버
  • Release Date: 2022/10/26
  • Duration: 128分
Remember (Korean: 리멤버) is a movie. The Korean release date is 2022-10-26. The running time is 128 minutes.
An Alzheimer's patient who takes out the revenge he has been planning for 60 years and is unintentionally drawn into revenge.
A story about two best friends in their 20s who end up in a relationship. Han Pil-joo (Lee Sun-min) is an 80s Alzheimer's patient with terminal brain cancer. During the Japanese occupation, he lost his family to pro-Japanese groups.
When his wife passes away, Pil-joo sets out to exact the revenge he has been planning for over 60 years. I became close with him at the family restaurant where he worked part-time.
He asks In-gyu (Nam Ju Hyuk), a young man in his 20s, to help him drive for just one week. In-gyu, who followed Pil-joo without knowing the reason, was caught on CCTV at the first revenge scene.
He is arrested and becomes a strong suspect. The police widen their investigation network, and Pil Joo continues to seek revenge while fighting with her memories that are disappearing... .
The Korean movie ``Remember'' is about an actor who searches for the pro-Japanese who killed his entire family and carries out the revenge he has been planning for 60 years.
The story of a Ruthheimer patient and his best friend in their 20s who unintentionally become involved in his revenge. Actor Lee Sun-min is actually in his early 50s, but he is ``80s with Alzheimer's.''
He passionately played the difficult role of "A person".
