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Highway Family

Highway Family
  • English:Highway Family
  • Korean: 고속도로 가족
  • Release Date: 2022/11/02
  • Duration: 129分
highway family (Korean: 고속도로 가족) is a movie. The Korean release date is 2022-11-02. The running time is 129 minutes.
A story about a living family who happens to meet a couple in an expressway service area and experience an unexpected incident.
Jung Il Woo and his family live in an expressway service area using a tent as their home and the moon in the night sky as lighting.
They borrowed money from visitors to the service area that they would never meet again, and lived wandering as if camping, but one day they met Yongseong (Ra Mi), whom they had met once before.
ran) in another service area. The Expressway family, who have lived their lives as if they were playing and traveling as if they were traveling, and Yeon-sung, to whom they are devoted. These two chance encounters led to an unexpected incident.
It continues... . The Korean movie ``Expressway Family'' is a story about a family living in an expressway service area, who encounter a couple by chance and experience an unexpected incident.
Directed by Lee Sang-moon, who has built a career as an assistant director on ``The Adults Don't Know'' (1988) and ``Bacchus Lady'' (2016).
Debut feature film. Invited to the ``Korean Film Today - Panorama Section'' of the ``27th Busan International Film Festival.''

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