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The Distributors

The Distributors
  • English:The Distributors
  • Korean: 유포자들
  • Release Date: 2022/11/23
  • Duration: 101分
spreaders (Korean: 유포자들) is a movie. The Korean release date is 2022-11-23. The running time is 101 minutes.
A crime thriller that depicts the terrifying pursuit of a man whose secret is "forcibly unlocked."
Do Yubin (Park SungHoon) is a man who dreams of a happy married life. Seduced by his long-time friend Gong Sang Beom (Song Jin WOO), he spends an unforgettable day at a club.
Then, the memory of the night before disappeared, the smartphone, and a phone call from someone. The culprit on the other end of the phone has to prepare 33 million won or else he will release “that” video to the world.
They say it will be released on... . The Korean movie ``The Leakers'' is a work that depicts the terrifying pursuit of a man whose secret is ``forcibly unlocked.'' Modern society, where we cannot be free from smartphones
This is a thriller movie that depicts how videos shot by people as they wish can destroy them.
