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  • English:Conversation
  • Korean: 컨버세이션
  • Release Date: 2023/02/23
  • Duration: 120分
Conversation (Korean: 컨버세이션) is a movie. The Korean release date is 2023-02-23. The performance time is 120 minutes.
A work that includes encounters and conversations between characters who are about to enter middle age.
In their late 20s, Eun-young (Cho Eun-Ji), Myung-sook (Kim So-i), and Da-hye (Son Eun-ji) studied abroad together in Paris. long
They tentatively try to converse in French and amuse themselves, but the girls, now in their late 30s, are struggling to cope with their different lives.
Meanwhile, Seung-jin (Park Jung-hwan) and Pil-jae (Kwak MIN-GYU) are dragging their stroller around in the park near their apartment.
Ru. A dialogue between two people that dwells on the past will simply spin around in vain without reaching the present. A feast of truth, lies, and fast-paced dialogue through games.
Their ping-pong-like dialogue always ends in a different way than they had intended, but... .
The Korean movie ``Conversation'' is a work that depicts the encounters and conversations between characters who are about to enter middle age.

