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My Happy End

My Happy End
  • English:My Happy End
  • Korean:나의 해피엔드
  • Original Network: TV CHOSUN(2023~2024)
  • Aired: 2023/12/30 - 2024/02/25
My Happy End (Korean: 나의 해피엔드) is a TV Series. It will start broadcasting on 2023-12-30. It will end broadcasting on 2024-02-25. It is broadcasted by TV
CHOSUN (2023-2024). It will be streamed on U-NEXT! The latest work by the director of "Thirty But Seventeen" and "Today's Webtoon"! Jang Nara & Son Ho
Jun and Jang Nara are hot topics even after six years of acting together as a married couple! Jaewon (Jang Nara) is the CEO of a well-known furniture company and an influencer with 1 million followers. One day,
Jaewon's life begins to be threatened, starting with a flower basket sent by a person who has been stalking her for a long time. From then on, she must face the secrets of her husband, father, and coworker, who have been a great source of strength to her.
Jaewon is drawn closer to a shocking truth... This is the story of one woman's incredible struggle to find her true happiness by facing the "self" she has been turning away from.
Total 16 episodes. The highest viewership rating was 3.0% for episode 8. The CEO of Dorebu, a furniture brand that generates hundreds of billions of won in sales every year, and an influencer with 1 million followers.
Actress Jang Nara plays Seo Jaewon, a drama contestant, and actor Sun HoJun plays Seo Jaewon's husband Heo Seungyeon, a freelance designer and professor of industrial design.
Actress So Yi Hyun plays Kwon Yun-jin, an assistant professor at art school who is Seo Jae-won's classmate.
Theo HYERI, the English name of Dorebu, is the head of the design team.
Actor Lee Ki-taek plays Ng Tae-oh.



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