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Bad Memory Eraser

Bad Memory Eraser
  • English:Bad Memory Eraser
  • Korean:나쁜기억지우개
  • Original Network: MBN(2024)
  • Aired: 2024/08/02 -
Bad Memory Eraser (Korean: 나쁜기억지우개) is a TV Series. It will start airing on 2024-08-02. The broadcasting station is MBN (2024).
Simultaneous streaming on U-NEXT! Jaejung's first TV series in 7 years. Korean TV series "Eraser of Bad Memories ~ My
Memories is about a man whose life was changed by a memory eraser and his first love.
A woman's first love, fabricated romance. Kim Jaejung plays Ken Rhee, a man who changes his life with a memory eraser. Actress Jin Se Yeon plays Kyung Ju-young, a psychiatric doctor at the Brain Research Center.
Actor Lee Jung-won plays Lee Shin, the world's number one ranked tennis player, and actress Yang Hye Ji plays Jin Se-yang, Shin's translator.
Actress Yoon Yoo Sun plays Gun and Shin's mother, Eun Ji-seon. Actress Lee Ruby plays Cha Si-eon, an athlete belonging to the sports agency Gun.
Actor Kim Kwang Kyu plays Han Dong-chil, a mental health doctor at Hansom Hospital. Actress Shin Eun Jung plays Song Mi-seon, a nurse at Hansom Hospital.



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