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Black Out

Black Out
  • English:Black Out
  • Korean:백설공주에게 죽음을-Black Out
  • Original Network: MBC(2024)
  • Aired: 2024/08/16 -
Death to Snow White - Black Out (Korean: 백설공주에게 죽음을-Black Out) is a TV Series.
The broadcast will start on 2024-08-16. The broadcasting station will be MBC (2024). This is the first TV series directed by Byun Yong-ju, director of the movie "The Fire Chasers"!
Jung-woo (Byun Yo-Han) was accused of killing a friend with whom he was laughing and playing, and was subjected to all kinds of humiliation. However, he was able to remember the day that completely ruined his life.
Ten years later, Jung Woo returns to Mocheon Village and steps into the hellish crime scene. Looking around, he notices a name tag on a rotting piece of clothing.
Jung Woo checks the name. His eyes are a mixture of confusion, fear, and sadness... Korean TV Series "Death to Snow White - Black
"Out" is a story about a young man who is accused of a mysterious murder whose body has never been found, and who, ten years later, tries to reveal the truth of that day.
A reverse crime thriller TV series depicting the process of discovering the truth behind the death of a girl. Based on the novel "Snow White Must Die" by Nele Neuhaus. A good student with a good personality, she goes on a trip the day after finishing her university entrance exams.
Actor Byun YoHan plays Go Jung-woo, who is framed for murder, while actor Ko Jun plays the elite detective Noh Sang-chul.
Actress Go Bo Gyeol plays Choi Na-Kyum, a top Korean actress.
Actress Kim Bo Ra plays Ha Sol, who ends up working part-time at a restaurant in the village where the incident occurred.
Actress Bae Jong-ok plays National Assembly member Ye Yeong-sil.


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