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The Witches' Carnival

The Witches' Carnival
  • English:The Witches' Carnival
  • Korean: 마녀들의 카니발
  • Release Date: 2024/09/25
  • Duration: 82分
Carnival of the Witches (Korean: 마녀들의 카니발) is a movie. Its Korean release date is 2024-09-25. Its running time is 82 minutes.
Winner of the 16th Women's Human Rights Film Festival and the closing film of the 20th Incheon Women's Film Festival! . The women of Busan who have been fighting against patriarchy since the 1990s have once again united.
From the legendary women who fought to win vacation days to the teenage activists who gave stern warnings to society with the School MeToo movement,
The joyful march of Busan's women, who laugh and embrace each other, begins! The Korean film "Witches' Carnival" depicts the battle of Busan women who have been fighting against patriarchy since the 1990s.
A documentary film that follows.

