YG Entertainment will hold a pop-up event “PROJECT” to eliminate cultural disparities between Seoul and local areas.
YOURSIDE” in Gyeongsangbuk-do (Gyeongsangbuk-do), Gyeongsangsi (Gyeongsan-si)
) will be held. For three days from the 21st to the 23rd, YG Entertainment will hold the “PROJECT
This is the second time the event has been held, following the successful first steps in Jeonbuk and Wanju in December last year.
An exhibition space has been prepared where you can experience YG's various popular culture contents. Album zone where you can see actual albums by YG artists.
It consists of a costume zone where you can see BLACKPINK's actual stage costumes, and a photo zone where you can leave special memories with YG's representative character Kronk.
In particular, the poster zone features not only representative images of artists, but also posters reinterpreted by Keymu Studio's “special designers” who have developmental disabilities.
A special poster will also be displayed to add meaning. In addition, YG auditions and audition special lectures (Q&A) for young people in Gyeongsan were held for the first time this year.
Special programs will also be provided, such as singer Shon's talk concert and YGX's dance workshop. On the other hand, YG Entertainment announced in 2009 that “YG
We are spreading good influence through a culture of sharing, including the ``With Campaign,'' various large and small donations, continuous service activities, and social contribution projects.

By minmin 2023/09/13 19:51 KST