The cosmetics brand “innisfree” is offering a folding photo of “SEVENTEEN” MIN-GYU to customers who purchase “Green Tea Seed Hyaluronic Acid Serum”.
It was announced on the 3rd that an event is underway to give away green can cases. This event is the second brand campaign that incorporates the worldview of “Innisfree”
As part of “I'll be there, ISLE BE THERE”, “MIN-GYU” will be released on the official YouTube channel of “Innisfree” on the 1st.
“Folding Photo Sketch Film” was released simultaneously all over the world. “Green Tea Seed
``Hyaluronic Acid Serum'' is a combination of ``Beauty Green Tea TM'' extract developed by innisfree for skin hydration and ``Nano Serum'', which has strong moisture absorption and long-lasting power.
This formula contains "capsule hyaluronic acid" and is innisfree's signature moisture essence that helps improve inner dryness and tightness.
“Innisfree” officials said, “We are grateful to our customers who have shown great interest and love for innisfree and MIN-GYU, the brand's global ambassador.
We prepared this event to convey our gratitude," and added, "I hope that innisfree and MIN-GYU will continue to do various activities together."

By minmin 2023/10/03 23:42 KST