Group "FANTASY BOYS" meets Japanese fans. “FANTASY BOYS” will be aired on Fuji TV “K-POP” in Japan on the 12th.
HOUSE" and will discuss various topics with Japanese fans. "K-POP HOUSE" is a music information variety show.
This is a program that brings out the innermost feelings of K-POP artists. "FANTASY"
BOYS” plans to communicate with Japanese fans through honest talk.
. “FANTASY BOYS” has recently been rapidly gaining global popularity. Debut song “NEW
TOMORROW's TikTok challenge is on the verge of reaching 500 million hashtag views.
Masu. The shoot form video for this song has reached 42 million views (as of October 9th). On the other hand, “FANTASY
BOYS” will hold their first Tokyo fan concert “FANTASY BOYS 1ST” at Tokyo Garden Theater on the 21st.
TOKYO FAN CONCERT [NEW TOMORROW] is about to be held.
By minmin 2023/10/10 13:20 KST