In the second episode of the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) superhero "Captain Marvel", the best blockbuster of 2023 "Marvels" will be released on a huge axis.
A video titled ``[Marvels] 'Captain Marvel Shining Return' Video'' has been released, which has an outstanding scale.
The movie “Marvels” is about the hero Captain Marvel “Carol” who protects the universe.
・Every time "Danvers" uses her ability, "Monica Rambeau" and Ms. Marvel "Kamala Khan" are on the verge of changing positions and unexpectedly form a new team.
-Low action blockbuster. The released "[Marvels] 'Captain Marvel Shining Return' video" features "Carol Danvers" of "Captain Marvel"
” (Brie Larson) from her past, to the moment when she gained superhuman powers and when she served in the Air Force with her best friend “Maria Rambeau”, we see how she becomes a hero.
to focus your gaze. As you can see through the video, she met Nick Fury (SAMUEL L. Jackson) for the first time as Captain Marvel.
We have inherited this relationship up until now. In addition, a poster of 'Prince Yang', played by Park Seo Jun, has been released, raising expectations.
Hero action book announcing Captain Marvel's flashy return and new team-up
Rockbuster "Marvels" will be released in Korea on November 8th.

By minmin 2023/10/16 13:31 KST