Cha EUN WOO (ASTRO) will sing the OST for the TV series “Wonderful Days” starring him. MBC new TV series “Wonderful Days” OST special track “Jealousy” sung by Cha EUN WOO
will be released at 6pm on the 18th of this month. ``Wonderful Days'' is about a woman who is cursed to turn into a dog when she kisses her, and the only cheat key to break the curse, but the predictions of a man who is afraid of dogs.
Impossible fantasy romance TV series. "Jealousy" is a registrar that uses direct lyrics to express the feelings of jealousy that occur in anyone who is in love, and the feelings that are filled with the true feelings contained within.
This is a master piece. VIP (VIBE IN PLAY), the production team led by VIBE's Ryu JaeHee-young, will be in charge of the overall production of a well-made project that perfectly matches the theme of the TV series.
It was reborn as a OST. Cha EUN WOO will lead the song with his unique soft voice while preserving the sad feelings and fresh sensibilities of former songs. Cha EUN WOO blends into the epic of the play
Her unique beautiful voice warms the hearts of those who hear it. . Chicha EUN WOO, who passionately plays the role of the main character Jin Seo Won in the drama, will be making her presence felt in the OST, further increasing the immersion in the drama.

By Corin 2023/10/18 10:30 KST