Actor Song Kang's behind-the-scenes cuts from the TV series "My Demon" have been released. 25th, Song Kang's management officeNAMOO ACTORS' OfficialNAVER
The POST featured many photos with the title ``Demons will rescue you to paradise.'' In the published photos, there is a demon figure and a seongbi-like figure in beautiful Hanbok.
, and you can see various Song Kangs in nice suits. For more photos, visit NAMOO ACTORS' Official NAVER
You can view it at POST ( On the other hand, the TV series "My Demon" in which Song Kang is appearing is about a demonic conglomerate.
This is a fantasy romantic comedy about Do Do Hee (Kim You Jung), an heiress, and Song Kang, a demon who has temporarily lost his powers, as they enter into a contract marriage.

By minmin 2023/11/27 09:57 KST