'New Jeans' HYERIN shows off her mature beauty through her gravure. HYERIN is featured in fashion media ELLE's special project "D
Edition” cover. The released cover and gravure capture Hyerin's strong presence against the backdrop of a simple studio.
Hyerin fills the screen without any flashy devices or gadgets, giving her a professional look.
In particular, in the two cover images, Hyerin looks more mature than when she first debuted, with her vivid eyes staring straight into the camera.
It shows a deeper atmosphere. In the gravure, Hyerin exudes a variety of looks, from a bright and lively expression to deep and kind eyes, and shows the style icon side.
This drew cheers mixed with surprise from the venue staff. Hyerin captivates the atmosphere on set, sometimes with a smile, sometimes with a clear face, and looks good with the outfit and jewelry.
He was freely showing his nudes. Meanwhile, NewJeans has embarked on the SBSFri-SatTV Series as the top performer for the OST of 'My Demon'.
By Corin 2023/12/07 10:49 KST