Actress Suzy attended the musical in support of Park BoGum. On the 9th of this month, Suzy posted on her SNS, ``It's really wonderful. A warm and beautiful performance. I will laugh and cry a lot.''
I posted a photo taken with Park BoGum. Park BoGum met the audience through the musical "Let Me Fly" which opened at YES24STAGE1 in September.
is. After watching a performance by Park BoGum, Suzy presented them with a bouquet of flowers, creating a warm atmosphere. The two will co-star in the upcoming movie "Wonderland".
did. ``Wonderland'' is a work directed by Kim Tae Yeon, and a lover who falls into a vegetative state in Wonderland, a virtual world where nostalgic people are recreated using AI.
The story depicts the events that occur to a woman in her 20s (Suzy) who requested Park Bo Gum, and a man in his 40s (GongYoo) who requested his deceased wife.
By Corin 2023/12/09 22:24 KST