Do Yeong of the group "NCT" donated 50 million won (approximately 5.49 million yen) to the "Fruit of Love" Social Welfare Community Chest of Japan (chairman Kim Byung-joon) ahead of Christmas to help children.
became a special Santa. On the 23rd, Do Yeong donated 50 million won to Fruit of Love in preparation for Christmas and the end of the year.
This donation will be used to support children according to donor Do Yeong's will.
In February, Do Yeong donated 100 million won (approximately 10.98 million yen) to help with the damage recovery efforts at the time of the Turkey-Syria earthquake, raising the number of donors of over 100 million won.
I have joined the Honor Society (Central Association No. 3112). Do Yeong will continue to practice sharing and spreading good influence at the end of the year, just as he did at the beginning of the year.
Sowing. Fans are also participating in donations due to Do Yeong's good influence. This March, to commemorate Do Yeong's 7th anniversary since his debut, fans from both inside and outside of Korea will be celebrating his 7th anniversary.
They also took the lead in environmental protection activities by creating the ``NCT Do Yeong Forest'' on the lawn of Jihan River Park. Do Yeong said, ``Christmas is an exciting day for everyone, but for children it is already a day of excitement.
I hope that this day will remain a special memory, and that it will be an even warmer day.''I hope that this small amount of help will help children make their precious dreams come true.''
"I do," he said, expressing his thoughts.

By minmin 2023/12/26 17:38 KST