The TV series "Not a Hero" has released a teaser video teasing the special bond between Jang Ki Yong and Chun Woo Hee.
JTBC's new Saturday and Sunday TV series "I'm Not a Hero," which will start airing in Korea on May 4th, is about a group of people with special abilities.
A fantasy romance TV series about a man who has been trying to save the woman he is destined to be with, but who could not save anyone else. A family of supernatural powers lose their powers due to chronic illness, and one person who becomes intertwined with them by fate.
The story of a woman who is a heroine of the Bok family will bring you laughter and warm emotions. The first teaser video released recently aroused curiosity with the appearance of Chun Woo Hee entering the Bok family, which is full of secrets.
However, the second teaser video released raises interest in the relationship between Bok Gwi-ju (Jang Ki Yong) and Do Da-hae.
Bok Gwi-ju walks behind Do Da-hae, closing the distance with each step.
His lively face is interesting. Contrary to the narrator's statement, "I think this moment will be remembered for a long time. It will be a happy time," the extraordinary events that followed were
The scene of the brutal traffic accident and explosion that robbed him of his happiness is meaningful. There is nothing he can do as he stands blankly at the scene of the carnage.
His face is filled with deep despair as he is unable to save or protect anyone. Above all, the sad gazes of Bok Gwi-ju and Do Da-hae are accompanied by the "greatest happiness in life."
The narration, "A mysterious time where happiness and misfortune are mixed," heightens interest in the two people's fateful encounter. Bok, the "time traveler," no longer has happy times and can no longer return to the past.
- Do Da-hae, the “suspicious intruder” who is the only one to bring color to Gwi-ju’s colorless reality, is already raising expectations as to how they will save each other.
The TV series "I'm Not a Hero" will begin airing in Korea on May 4th at 10:30 PM.

By minmin 2024/04/12 22:56 KST