TVXQ's Changmin has released a proof shot. On the 14th, SM ACTIST's official Instagram posted, "Today is the premiere day of Ben Changmin Baton.
I was walking around looking for my sweet spot and before I knew it, I had arrived at Se Jeong Cultural Center. Please give me lots of love for the musical.'” She posted two photos along with the comment,
The photo shows Changmin dressed as Benjamin Button. Changmin, wearing a vest, looks a little nervous.
Fans who saw the post commented, "Changmin, fighting," "Congratulations on your musical debut Changmin, fighting on the first day," and "Changmin
"So cute," "Finally, musical actor Shim Changmin is going to take to the stage," and other comments were posted.
Changmin also posted proof shots of the gifts he received from fans on his Instagram Stories.
Meanwhile, the musical "The Benjamin Button" in which Changmin will appear is based on the movie "The Benjamin
Based on a short story by F. Scott Fitzgerald, famous for being the basis for "The Curious Case of Baton," EMK Music Company will be presenting a new musical in 2024.
The musical opened on May 11th and is running until June 30th at the Se Jeong M Theater in Seoul.

By minmin 2024/05/14 22:52 KST