Actor Chae Jong Hyeop sent a message regarding his first Japanese fan meeting. On the 15th, Chae Jong Hyeop posted on his official SNS, "2024 CHAE JONG HYEOP
To everyone coming to the 1st FANMEETING in JAPAN First Love Makuhari Messe #ChoiJonghyup
A message video has arrived from, please look forward to it." The video was posted with the caption.
In the video, Chae Jong Hyeop greeted the audience with a shy smile. He said, "This is my first fan meeting, so I'm half excited and half worried, and very nervous. I'm looking forward to getting closer to you all.
I'm very excited to be able to meet you soon. Please look forward to it. Please wait just a little longer."
Netizens who saw this commented, "Hyup is so cute. I'm really looking forward to meeting him.
Let's spend a happy time with your fans," "It's my first time at an actor's fan meeting, so I'm nervous and excited as I wait for the day," "I'm desperately trying to understand what Hyeop is saying, so I'm reading Korean.
I'm studying Japanese hard. Is Jonghyup okay? The first fan meeting in Japan, everyone is full of energy.
Responses included, "May you be filled to the brim with happiness."
Meanwhile, Chae Jong Hyeop graduated from Sungshin Women's University in Seoul, South Korea on May 25.
We will be holding our first fan meeting, "First Love", at the Eunjung Green Campus Auditorium.
In addition, the Fan Meeting "First
Love" will be held.

By chunchun 2024/05/16 00:08 KST