Kim Dong-jun (ZE:A) showed off his unique handsomeness. On the 22nd, Kim Dong-jun posted several photos on his Instagram with the comment "Lunch".
In the published photos, Kim Dong Jun is gazing at the camera with shining eyes and striking various poses. Kim Dong Jun is eating a hamburger for lunch.
His handsome appearance as always caught the attention. Fans who saw the post commented, "Dongjun Oppa, why don't you age?", "Oppa, you're really handsome", "What is this?"
hairstyle," "Wow Dongjun Oppa, a visual legend!", "He's so cute and handsome even when he eats," and other comments were left.
Meanwhile, Kim Dong-jun held the "2024" event at Shinhan Card SOL Pay Square in Mapo-gu, Seoul at 7 p.m. on the 25th.
Kim Dong Jun & Ji Seung Hyun will meet with fans at the Fan Meeting 'RECORD: First Record'.
By minmin 2024/05/22 17:18 KST