Actor Lee Jun Ki released photos from his first Korean fan meeting in six years. On the 25th, Lee Jun Ki's management officeNAMOO ACTORS' OfficialNAVER
POST published a number of photos under the title "A Spring Day with Lee Jun Ki." The published photos show Lee Jun Ki at the Ewha Dance Club in Seodaemun-gu, Seoul on May 11th.
The video includes footage from "JOONGI'S DAY 2024 IN SEOUL: Spring, Again," which was held at Ewha Women's University's main auditorium.
More photos can be seen on NAMOO ACTORS' Official NAVER POST (
Fans who saw the photos commented, "It would be even better if we could meet again and become each other's seasons. Thank you for the wonderful photos, NAMOO," "Thank you for the wonderful photos,"
Comments included, "Thank you to our superstar for uploading such wonderful photos," and "It was a wonderful fan meeting."
Meanwhile, Lee Jun Ki held the "2024 LEE JOON GI SPLENDOR Family" event in Yokohama on June 14th.
Day: LOVE BLOSSOM" and will meet many fans.

By chunchun 2024/05/25 22:52 KST