Amidst the heated interest in Park BoGum, who co-starred with the actor for the first time in the movie "Wonderland," the main clip and behind-the-scenes footage of the duet song that the two actors sang together in the movie have been released.
It will be released and attract attention. "Wonderland", which will be released in Korea on June 5th, is a story about a man who reunites with his loved ones through a video chat service called "Wonderland" that uses artificial intelligence to revive the deceased.
The story is about Jung-in, who reunites with his unconscious lover Tae-ju in Wonderland, and the two of them miraculously wake up and are faced with the reality of their past.
Suzy and Park BoGum play the role of Tae-ju, who is confused because they are not familiar with each other. Director Kim Tae Yeon said, "Jeong-in and Tae-ju, who cannot be together in real life, are able to live together even if only in their imaginations."
While discussing ways to communicate with the late Bang Jun-seok, who was the music director at the time, the idea of singing a song came up, and the actors gladly accepted.
Thanks to this, the work progressed quickly. After thinking about how to create a song that is familiar and familiar to us, but at the same time unfamiliar and fresh, like the song "Wonderland," music director Bang Jun-seok decided on
The arrangement is based on Bach's "Air on the G String," and the lyrics were written by director Kim Tae Yeon, music director Bang Jun-seok, and actor Park Bo-Gum.
Park BoGum added emotion to the song with lyrics that reflect the feelings of "Taeju", while "WISH: Wonderland is
Suzy and Park BoGum worked hard despite their tight schedules to get to know the song well and through continued practice,
Not only did they show off beautiful harmonies, but they also enhanced the perfection of the song with their delicate sensibility, immersed in the characters of "Jeongin" and "Taeju."
Park BoGum commented on the duet song, "This scene shows the emotions of people who use the 'Wonderland' service in a meaningful way."
Suzy also chose this as the most memorable scene, saying, "I remember practicing with actor Park Bo-Gum right up until the filming started," revealing the passion and dedication of the two actors.
The powerful scene is expected to heighten the anticipation of pre-viewers. Meanwhile, "Wonderland" will be released in Korea on June 5th.

By minmin 2024/05/29 11:17 KST