Actor Yoo Seung Ho shared his surprising experience with his wedding rumors. On the 31st, YouTube117 released a video titled "Surviving with Seung Ho"
K (DAY6)'s "K Survival Story" Yoo Seung Ho edition has been released. Yoo Seung Ho said about his recent situation, "I take time to rest and exercise while reading the script."
She revealed, "The truth is, I'm the type of person who easily gets scared. I need plenty of time to think about things, so it will take me a while to do so."
Prior to this, Yoo Seung Ho released "DAY6's Welcome to the
He appeared as the male lead in the music video for "Show" and formed a relationship with Young K.
K said, "I always thought of him as older than me. It wasn't his appearance that made me realize who Yoo Seung Ho was when I was very young.
"I've been watching him since then, so I thought he was a lot older than me and like an older brother. But it turns out he's the same age as me. There aren't many people born in 1993, so it's quite rare," she said happily.
In one scene in the music video, they are shown having an imaginary wedding. The wedding photos from this scene became a hot topic and even sparked WEDDING RUMORS.
Yoo Seung Ho said, "I was surprised," and added, "I woke up this morning and it said I got married. Me? Today, Yoo Seung Ho's WEDDING RUMORS surfaced. I've never been married.
I wondered what had happened and thought that there had been a serious false report, but when I looked at it, it was the photo. The event went well," he said, sharing the episode.
"Do you think marriage is in your future?" Young asked.
In response to K's question, Yoo Seung Ho said, "Yes. Of course, I haven't made any concrete plans. I just live my life thinking about things.
"I want to marry someone who loves animals. If I said, 'I'm going to run an animal shelter,' I would be able to marry someone who loves animals so much that they would trust me and follow me.
He answered, "Yes," and attracted attention.

By chunchun 2024/06/02 18:04 KST