Epik High's TABLO expressed his respect for HYERI. On the 14th, he posted a video on his YouTube channel "HYERI@IamLeeHyeri" entitled "My first time at a health club."
The video was released with the title "Seniors who emptied a bottle of alcohol". Epik High's TABLO and DJ TUKUTZ
On this day, DJ MITHRA appeared and had a talk with MCHEYERI.
TUKUTZ asked HYERI what kind of YouTube videos she enjoys watching. HYERI replied, "I love watching videos of myself.
I watch your videos and watch my old videos. You're so cute," she said, expressing her overflowing self-love. Upon hearing this, TABLO responded, "The reason I actually wanted to come out here is because I really like HYERI.
"I admire her a little," he confessed. "I saw that she was really positive and cared about herself, and I hope that her daughter Haru will grow up loving herself too.
"It's a very difficult, rare, and very important skill," he said, praising HYERI's positive personality. DJ TUKUTZ responded, "HYERI's personality is just like what I imagined."
"Now that I think about it, I don't know if we're still filming. I'm so relaxed here that I forgot," he joked, drawing laughter.
It seems like I'm going to have to endure the stress and hard work of living. However, I can't even imagine what it would be like to live my life like that.
I'm sorry, but I can't believe my eyes. I can't believe my eyes.

By Corin 2024/06/14 20:28 KST