On the variety show "Have a Dinner," Yonghoon of the group "THE BOYZ" mentioned that he was a middle school classmate of SHINee's Minho.
The tvN variety show "Have a Dinner," broadcast in South Korea on the 27th, featured an episode set in the international city of Songdo in Incheon Metropolitan City.
On this day, before going to Incheon, Lee Soo Geun said, "There are really a lot of celebrities from Incheon." To which Young Hoon replied, "That's right.
I went to the same junior high school as SHINee's Minho, and even back then, his face... there were a lot of rumors going around.
Lee Eun-ji also said, "There are a lot of comedians, such as Jung Do-Yeong and Shin Gil," and Young-hoon said, "My friends also say that they meet (celebrities) when they go to the sauna.
I did,” he added.
By minmin 2024/06/27 23:32 KST